Brazilian Music with Pablo - Part 1 {Carioca Connection Classics}
2025 is your year to level up your Brazilian Portuguese—agora é a hora! 🇧🇷
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Brazilian music is essential to what it means to be Brazilian.
Brazilians move, they dance, they sing. It's a part of who they are. If you want to understand Brazilians and Brazilian Portuguese: you have to listen to the music. Today's episode is the first installment of a three part series about Brazilian music with an expert on the topic: Dr. Pablo Saturnino Braga. In this episode, we talk about why music is central to Brazilian culture and how to understand it better.
Grab the free worksheet with a completely annotated transcript, best vocabulary and cultural insights for this episode:
Free worksheet - Brazilian Music with Pablo - Part 1
Grab the free worksheet with a completely annotated transcript, best vocabulary and cultural insights for this episode:
Free worksheet - Brazilian Music with Pablo - Part 1
Ready to speak confidently, understand real-life Portuguese, and dive deep into Brazilian culture in 2025? 🇧🇷
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Join us at: https://cariocaconnection.com