8 phrases that only Brazilians understand

8 phrases that only Brazilians understand

Carioca Connection is officially 8 years old! 🎉
Let's celebrate by improving your Brazilian Portuguese?

In this episode of Carioca Connection, Alexia and Foster discuss the meaning of eight phrases that only Brazilians understand. The phrases include expressions such as "the door slept open" (forgetting to close the door during the night), "the light sleeping on" (forgetting to turn off the lights during the night) and "I don't know them, but I know who they are" (knowing someone only by reputation). These phrases are typical of Brazilian culture and can be difficult to understand for people of other nationalities.

And now in Brazilian Portuguese...

Neste episódio do Carioca Connection, Alexia e Foster discutem o significado de oito frases que só os brasileiros entendem. As frases incluem expressões como "a porta dormiu aberta" (esquecer de fechar a porta durante a noite), "a luz dormindo acesa" (esquecer de desligar as luzes durante a noite) e "não conheço, mas eu sei quem é" (conhecer alguém apenas de reputação). Essas frases são típicas da cultura brasileira e podem ser difíceis de entender para pessoas de outras nacionalidades.

To celebrate 8 years of podcasting and teaching Brazilian Portuguese, we are making some big changes to Carioca Connection!
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